🔲DeTor AI L2 Blockchain Architecture

Next-Gen Blockchain with Multichain Swaps & On-Chain AI

DeTor AI L2 Blockchain Architecture

Core Components

  • Layer 1 (L1) Integration: DeTor AI L2 operates atop multiple Layer 1 blockchains, enhancing them with high-throughput, privacy-centric, AI-powered capabilities without compromising the security features of the underlying L1 blockchains.

  • Decentralized Data Layer: Utilizes a decentralized storage solution ensuring data integrity and accessibility while supporting large-scale AI computations.

  • AI Execution Layer: Dedicated on-chain environments for executing complex AI algorithms efficiently at scale.

Layer 2 Scaling Solutions

Leveraging state channels and sidechains to offload transactions from the main blockchain, ensuring higher throughput and reduced transaction costs.

Security Features

Utilizes cryptographic techniques including zero-knowledge proofs and secure multi-party computation to enhance transaction privacy and data security.

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